Roache’s Concrete Products What we do
The company is predominantly concerned with supporting the agriculture sector. It provides design and build services for cowsheds, feedpads, silage bins and underpasses. It also has the skill and capacity to meet any other construction need that may eventuate on the farm.
The Modern Cow Shed
The cow shed has evolved over the years with a dramatic increase in herd sizes milked. Increased mechanisation has also made an impact with greater amounts of plant being present in and outside of the shed.

Increased hygiene standards and quality controls require greater use of chemicals in wash down and temperature control for milk storage.

These factors have all ensured that the thinking behind a new cowshed is no small undertaking. Great care and thought is required to firstly design and secondly build to the specifications.

This needs to take into account not only the current needs of the herd and the farm but also future proofing for growth. Check out the the stuff article about the shed Roaches Concrete Products built for Shane Adern, Click Here
Stock Underpasses
As road traffic increases in number and speed, moving livestock on the open road is becoming a greater hazard than ever before.

Not only are there issues of safety for the motorist, livestock and staff, the ease of stock movements are often compromised by the need for extra help monitoring traffic, closing gates, blocking off other roads and so the list goes on.

Liability for the farmer also needs to be considered. A good underpass is a great way of streamlining those stock movements with a minimum of fuss and increased peace of mind knowing your stock, employees and motorists are safe from harm.
Herd Barns
The modern dairy farmer is acutely aware of the impact stock has on the ground and the amount of lost grazing that results from tramping of cows on wetter ground.

Effluent control is an increasingly high profile item in today’s media especially with the larger dairy herds now being the norm.

The modern Herd Barn is being shown to provide greater levels of animal welfare and milk production while reducing negative environmental impacts of intensive farming operations.
Silage, Feed and Storage Bins
Bins constructed from concrete are becoming a more common facility on many dairy farms as farmers look to retain the quality of feed and improve efficiency.

Sliding roofs for easier access to storage are a useful addition particularly for the storage of high value feeds.

Different sizes and shapes can be accommodated dependent on farmer requirements.

Most importantly they are built to last. They stand up to the weather and are robust to store silage for large herds and easy access for tractors and feed out wagons.